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Huis Perrekes - Goed leven met dementie
Graphic design / Branding / visual ID / website / post cards, folders / social media templates...

Branding / visual ID / website

De MET - Middelbare school
Branding / visual ID / Social media templates / Brochures / Content creation

Heel het Land - 10 dagen van hoop en troost
Naamgeving / logo / vormgeving

Devos Apotheek
Branding / Logo design / visual ID

Cera Good Company
Campagne concept / Branding / Logo design / visual ID

Ik ben goud waard - Steven Gilles
Vormgeving (illustraties & lay-out)

BPact - Online burgerpanel voor maatschappelijk onderzoek.
Logo & Brand ID /
Social content templates
Social content templates

Birth Matters
Visual ID / Branding / Social media templates / Webdesign

About Blue
Logo / Brand ID / art direction / pack shots / graphic design

Lotte Martens Exclusive Fabrics
Branding / Packadge Disign / POS / Art Direction

Go with the velo 2019/2018/2017
Campaign concept + Visual ID, Logo design

Waasland Shopping
B to C communication / Corporate Branding

JSix Translations
Logo / Brand ID / Website

Week van de opvoeding
Campaign concept / illustratie

Lana Lotta
Logo & Brand ID

Lente Festival Du Printemps
Logo Design & Art direction
illustration by Isabelle Geeraerts
illustration by Isabelle Geeraerts

Great at 8 - Leuven
Logo & Visual ID

Huis Perrekes
Visual Id, branding, communication & design

Pit // Magazine Groen
Visual ID & Logo

De Zevensprong
Visual ID / Logo / Design Year Calender
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